Los mejores países para tener hijos

Los mejores países para tener hijos
A woman interacts with her child in a playgroup room especially designed to enhance early childhood development experience for children at the Complex for Social Services for Children and Families in Ruse, a city on the bank of the Danube in northeastern Bulgaria. Many women are single mothers and from ethnic minorities. Most women at the facility have attended special workshops on childcare. The complex also has facilities for counselling services for women and children who experience violence and trauma at home or school, including a Blue Room, specialized space to conduct interviews and hearings of children victims or witnesses of violence. Daily, millions of children worldwide have their rights violated. Only a few have a chance to seek a timely, fair and effective remedy and put right the wrongs in their lives. All children face barriers in accessing justice but children with mental disabilities, children from ethnic or religious minorities, children from poor families face an even bigger one. Yet, when accessible to all, justice systems can protect vulnerable groups against injustice, provide them with opportunities to thrive and keep families together. When accessible to all, justice systems are powerful means to put an end to abuse, challenge decisions denying access to education or health, or restore entitlements, such as social benefits. UNICEF and partners support the establishment of an accessible, child-friendly justice systems able to make decisions in the best interests of the child. In Bulgaria, a small group of professionals work directly with the most vulnerable children and their families in an attempt to help them to access justice and claim their rights. This includes empowering families and children to understand their rights to protection under law, introducing adapted child-sensitive procedures by trained professionals, and providing legal and social support in the process.
¿Cuánto ponen de su parte los Estados económicamente más avanzados para hacerles la vida más fácil a los padres de niños pequeños? Un informe de Unicef, Are the world’s richest countries family-friendly? , aporta algunas estadísticas sobre el tema, en el que las mejores menciones se las llevan, como sucede en otros estudios, los países nórdicos. La investigación del organismo internacional, realizada con datos de 41 países miembros de la OCDE, ha comparado la situación de la conciliación en estos a partir de factores como el permiso ...

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